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Asimov, Isaac [1920-1992] . Foundation & empire / Isaac Asimov. - London : HarperCollins, 1994. - 240 p. ; 18 cm. - (Science fiction)
Classificazione: 808.387 62 [D]

Biblioteca Pontassieve: L ING 808.387 ASI

Clarke, Arthur C. . 2010 odyssey two / Arthur C. Clarke. - London [etc.] : Granada, 1982. - 297 p. ; 18 cm. - (Science fiction)
Classificazione: 823.914 [D]

Biblioteca San Godenzo: 823.9 CLA

Eklund, Gordon . The eclipse of dawn. - New York : Ace books, c1971. - 221 p. 18 cm. - (Science fiction ; 18630)
Classificazione: 808.387 [10 ridotta]

Biblioteca San Piero a Sieve: QS 808.387 EKL

Moorcock, Michael . Sturmbringer. Sechster Band des Elric-Zyclus. Fantasy-Roman. - München : Heyne, c1980. - 238 p. ill. 18 cm. - (Science fiction ; 3782)
Classificazione: 808.387 [10 ridotta]

Biblioteca San Piero a Sieve: QS 808.387 MOO


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